Safeguard workers against harmful welding sparks and chemical splashes while working
We Provide All Your Safety Flames In Welding Workplace
Welding, flame-resistant, and protective aprons are indispensible when working with sparks, flames, or chemicals. These handy pieces of personal protective equipment slip over your work clothes and provide you with that additional edge in protection that could save your life or prevent serious injury from happening. Be sure you’re getting the appropriate apron for the job when picking one since different aprons have different chemical and flame resistance ratings.
Why Choose Us?
A critical step in staying safe while welding is choosing the proper safety apparel for the job. Using welding protective clothing such as gloves, a jacket, a helmet and other items help protect welders from potential injury.
When it comes to welding apparel, there are many choices. And because not all welding applications are the same, it’s important to consider the different options and select the right welding protection for your specific needs.
Durban, South Africa